Peaceful 2013 elections to prevent GBV

2013 presidential candidates take part in public debate. They have been urged to commit themselves to peaceful elections to avoid violence that increases GBV and HIV risk factors

In the wake of the 2007-08 post election violence in Kenya, many women and girls suffered sexual and physical violence including rape, defilement, domestic violence and other types of physical and sexual assault. The CIPEV report pointed out that some victims of sexual violence already had HIV/ AIDs and others contracted it as a result of being raped and being unable to access medical services in time to reduce the chances of or prevent infection. This year CSOs including LVCT have sensitized health workers and community leaders on emergency post rape care services, including provision of rape and dignity kits. Leaders have also been urged to commit themselves to peaceful elections so that an eruption of violence does not create vulnerability to GBV and HIV

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